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Nourish Scotland - Agriculture Bill consultation workshops

11 November 2022

Starts: 11:00
Ends: 13:00

Friday 11 November 2022    11.00 - 1.00     online

Farmers in Scotland are currently receiving financial support from the government each year. The agricultural budget amounts to over half a billion pounds annually – this is a significant investment for the public purse.

The way that the money is distributed to farmers is complicated. The system is designed in such a way that the largest businesses, with the largest land areas get the most financial support – not those who are most in need of the income. Only a small proportion of the budget is directed at protecting nature or mitigating climate change.

The Scottish Government are trying to improve on the former system, and are currently consulting on a new Agriculture Bill, which is aiming to: “support farmer and crofters to ensure their economic sustainability as we deal with the twin global emergencies of climate change and biodiversity whilst also continuing to produce high-quality food.”
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Nourish Scotland is working with Scottish Environment LINK, the Scottish Government and interested organisations across Scotland to run a series of workshops to enable a wide range of people to have their say.

More information and register

This workshop will be repeated on

Monday 14 November    2.00 - 4.00


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CAT Two day Course on Zero Carbon Britain

11 November 2022

Starts: 09:30
Ends: 17:00

Over two days  Fridays 11 and 18 November  online

The Centre for Advanced Technology's online Zero Carbon Britain course exploring climate solutions – the science says we must, the technology says we can, time to say we will!

Working with a range of local Councils, we have developed a two day, interactive, online course offering an in-depth look at CAT’s flagship research project, Zero Carbon Britain. Connect with a network of others working and studying in the field and explore the radical changes needed to rise to the climate challenge.
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The new report published in 2019, Zero Carbon Britain: Rising to the Climate Emergency, incorporates the very latest developments in science and technology to show that we can create a zero carbon Britain using only proven technology.

TBI Convenor Julian Paren attended this course two years ago and highly recommends it.

Information and booking

TBI members should be able to obtain a 70% discount on the cost through our membership of SCCAN. 
Email  info@transitionblackisle.org  before booking if you would like to take up this offer.


We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.